Let's Talk North Yorkshire
Last updated on 16th March 2023
North Yorkshire County Council are holding the biggest countywide conversation, Let’s Talk, asking you how you would like to work with the new council.
How we can help you get involved
From 1 April 2023, North Yorkshire Council will replace the eight county, district and borough councils in North Yorkshire to deliver all the public services your local council currently provides.
All eight councils are already working together to make sure that the services you value, like waste collection and recycling, highways and planning, continue as usual.
Between now and December, they are holding North Yorkshire’s biggest countywide conversation, Let’s Talk, asking you how you would like to work with the new council. You can share your views online through a series of surveys, using a safe and easy-to-use tool called Commonplace which is used by 250 organisations to engage with communities, including neighbouring councils in Leeds and West Yorkshire.
We understand not all North Yorkshire residents have the resources to complete this survey online, so we are running pop-up sessions where residents can use our computers and Wi-Fi, or alternatively call us and run through the survey over the phone.
North Yorkshire residents can get in touch with us by calling 01904 900127 and by following the instructions and selecting 'Digital Inclusion'.

Let's Talk Devolution
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Let's Talk Money
The new council will deliver services including adult social care, housing, waste collection, transport, planning, community safety, children’s services, education, leisure and many more. The scale of the new council’s operations will see it serve the greatest geographical area of any local authority in the country, and it will have an overall spend of about £1.4 billion, including £343 million on schools. They want to know what matters to you before they agree the new council's budget, find out what you think about council tax and hear your ideas for savings.
The deadline for this was 23rd December. This survey has now closed.
Tagged as: Council
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