We understand the impact the cost of living crisis will have on many residents from York. This support page has information on what we are doing to support residents, and other support available from other organisations across the city. 
Our services are a warm and welcoming space where residents can get a range of support, with our Digital Cafes being a vital hub for getting a range of digital inclusion help. 
Our Digital Cafes are located across York, at Tang Hall Explore Library, Sanderson House, St Wulstan and York Stadium, with our volunteers on hand to provide digital support in our warm hubs. The support ranges from getting help accessing the York Council website, finding out about how to use websites like eBay, to even learning how to get connected throughout the city. 
For Digital Cafes located in Explore Reading Cafes, winter warmer, low-cost meals are available. 
We also provide free hot drinks at Sanderson House Digital Cafe, with our volunteers on hand to sit and talk. 
Explore Libraries also have PCs and printers for you to use, alongside free wifi. 
Our digital making activities are also available for young people to get involved in coding and provides a friendly place to meet and develop theur coding and tech skills or learn something new. York CoderDojo run informal sessions where young people from 7-17 and families can come along and work on projects, develop new skills, participate in challenges, whatever they want. We’re here to provide guidance, encouragement & support in a relaxed environment. 
Residents can find Warm Places in York on thhe Live Well Services Directory, with the City of York Council information for residents to help with the cost of living. 
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