An important warning about a viral 'blackout challenge'
Posted on 25th February 2023 at 11:30
The Keeping Digital Foundation are urgently warning parents about a dangerous 'Blackout Challenge' that is circulating on social media.
If you see anything related to the blackout challenge on TikTok or any other social media platform, you should not interact with it and we urge people to report the content immediately.
The dangerous challenge involves young people holding their breath until they lose consciousness due to a lack of oxygen, with schools in the local area also warning parents that some students have attempted the challenge.
If you come across any content related to the trend, you can report it on TikTok by doing the following:
Click on the white arrow to the right of the video
Tap the icon that says report with a flag symbol
Tap suicide, self-harm and dangerous acts and report the content
If you receive any messages related to the challenge, we advise that you don't interact with them and report the accounts immediately.
Tips to help keep your child safe online
The internet is great for learning, sharing, connecting and creating. So try and balance how you guide your child on online safety with an understanding of why they want to use it. You don’t want your child to feel they can’t come to you if they encounter a problem online.
Set boundaries for how long your child can spend online and what they can do.
Agree this as a family so that access to devices can be shared fairly.
Remember there are tools that can help you manage and monitor access and use across all devices.
Talk about online safety and get involved.
Ask questions about what they do online, such as what sites they visit and who they talk to.
Make the use of the internet a family activity.
Remember to share these rules with babysitters, childminders and other family members.
Talk to other parents about internet use, such as what they do and don't allow.
The Keeping Digital Foundation can provide free e-safety support at all of our in-person Digital Cafes, by calling 01904 900127, or alternatively by emailing
There are numerous organisations across the country that provide mental health support, if you have been affected by the challenge:
Call: 0300 123 3393
Call: 116 123
Anxiety UK
Call: 03444 775 774

Digital Inclusion Volunteer
Tagged as: E-Safety Support
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