We’re super excited to announce that you can now get in touch with our team through our phone line. 
To contact any team from one of our organisations, you can now dial 01904 530 995. 
From this line, we can try to answer any queries, provide you with any support or transfer you to the most suitable team member/volunteer. 
Our phone line is open Monday-Friday during the hours 9am-5pm. During busy periods or out of hours, you may be asked to leave a message and one of our team members will call you back as soon as possible. 
When receiving a call back from a volunteer, the phone number may be withheld if they are using their own personal devices. 
This phone line is a huge improvement to our support services and we hope to roll out telephone support options by late 2021 in collaboration with our Digital City efforts. 
Our emails continue to be in operation in addition to our telephone support, you can email the team using hello@keepingdigital.org.uk 
All data and notes from phone calls are confidential (unless the need for emergency services is required), and we store all of our data with Google (who manage our emails and call system) to ensure the best security when storing any data. For any enquiries on data, please email hello@keepingdigital.org.uk 


Founder and Community Coordinator 
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