Gwiddle Club York is a friendly place to meet and develop your coding and tech skills or learn something new. We run informal sessions where young people from 7-17 and families can come along and work on projects, develop new skills, participate in challenges, whatever you want. We’re here to provide guidance, encouragement & support in a relaxed environment. 
You can work on an existing project, learn something new, show us your cool coding projects or just see what’s going on. 
We're absolutely delighted to announce that Gwiddle Club York is receiving much needed improvements over the Summer. Due to IT problems at our previous space where we were experiencing a reduced number of devices, we have been looking for new spaces for Gwiddle Club York. 
In partnership with our friends at Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust, Gwiddle Club York is moving to Folk Hall in New Earswick! With thanks to new funding from the Keeping Digital Foundation to improve services across York, we're acquiring laptops to help enable these digital making activities without the need for an IT suite. 
The new space is much more relaxed and more than double the size! It also features a larger car park and has frequent bus connections. 
Even more exciting, we're improving the frequency of these Gwiddle Clubs from bi-monthly to fortnightly
We cannot wait to see you all again in September. We're also glad to announce that our partners at Digital Friendly York are running free coding sessions in Acomb whilst we look to expand our services into parts of York that currently don't benefit from this offering (like New Earswick). 
If you have any questions about Gwiddle Club York, please email our team at 

Upcoming Events: 

Gwiddle Club York - November 2024 

Where: Discovery Room, Folk Hall, New Earswick, York 
When: 25th November 2024 | 16:00-18:00 
Gwiddle Club York is a friendly place to meet and develop your coding and tech skills or learn something new. We run free informal sessions where young people from 7-17 and families can come along and work on projects, develop new skills, participate in challenges, whatever you want. We’re here to provide guidance, encouragement & support in a relaxed environment. 
Gwiddle Club York is a friendly place to meet and develop your coding and tech skills or learn something new. We run informal sessions where young people from 7-17 and families can come along and work on projects, develop new skills, participate in challenges, whatever you want. We’re here to provide guidance, encouragement & support in a relaxed environment. 
You can work on an existing project, learn something new, show us your cool coding projects or just see what’s going on. If there’s anything you’d particularly like to learn, email us in advance and we’ll try and prepare something! 
You can get in touch with the Gwiddle Club York team by emailing 
You will need: 
A parent! (very important). If you are 12 or under, your parent must stay with you during the session. For those older than 12, you’re welcome to stay on your own. 
Our venue has a limited amount of computers so you do not need to bring your own laptop, but you can if you would like. 

Getting to Gwiddle Club York: 

Parking icon
There is a free car park on the side of the building on Elm Tree Mews. 
Bus icon
First York
York Locals
Connexions Buses
York & Country
Numerous local bus services serve the digital making activity. 
The number 1 (First York) is the closest serving bus service, stopping outside the Folk Hall 
The number 13 (Connexions Buses) is the closest serving bus service, stopping outside the Folk Hall 
The number 14 (York Locals by East Yorkshire) is the closest serving bus service, stopping outside the Folk Hall 
The number 20 (York and Country by Transdev) is the closest serving bus service, stopping outside the Folk Hall 
The number 5 (First York) stops at St Andrew's Church 
Bike icon
There are bike racks at both the front and rear entrances of the Folk Hall to enable you to cycle to us and secure your bike. 
In partnership with 
Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust logo
York CoderDojo recently rebranded as Gwiddle Club York! As part of the Keeping Digital Foundation's relaunch of Gwiddle, we are building a new and improved network of digital making activities. 
We're still be the same great team with the same amazing volunteers, and not much has changed with the projects and great experiences young people have at our services. 
The only real change you will notice at our services is our name. Our name has changed to help make it easier for people to find their local, free digital making activity across North Yorkshire! All of our activities will continue to be bookable on My Keeping Digital. 
If you have any questions about Gwiddle Club York, please email our team at